Post by istrazuj on Aug 12, 2024 20:15:39 GMT
Razmišljao sam da li da pokrenem novu temu ili nastavim na onoj o "JEDINOJ AGENDI" - i evo odluka je pala 🤣
Dakle, ova tema je inicirana onim Hitlerovim govorom iz Minhenske pivnice 1922 godine...
Ovdje je link na govor sa prevodom na engleski:
Stock se nadovezao na koment, podsjećajući na stare diskusije koje je inicirao NbO (koji na žalost odavno ne komentira) i dokumentaciju koja govori o masovnom učešću tzv "židova" u nacističkom pokretu, pa čak i u samoj okosnici pokreta...
A Stock, završava ovako 🤣🤣🤣
Tako da...Hićo mi nije neka referenca na koju ću se pozivati kod otvaranja očiju ovim mamlazima oko sebe.
Ipak, meni je toliko "čudno" izgeldao ovaj govor iz 1922 - da sam ga morao pronaći na "desničarskim sajtovima" 🤣🤣🤣
Evo cijeli govor:
Evo cijeli govor:
Ovdje ću, za početak samo izdvojiti par zanimljivih pasusa (transkript cijelog govora je na linku gore) - a koje ću kasnije pokušati uvezati u praktično SVE što smo na ovim diskusijama (pa i ranije) pričali, jer nekako mi se čini da je na kraju sve povezano - a i da u konačnici JESTE upravo "duhovni rat"...
Ovdje ću, za početak samo izdvojiti par zanimljivih pasusa (transkript cijelog govora je na linku gore) - a koje ću kasnije pokušati uvezati u praktično SVE što smo na ovim diskusijama (pa i ranije) pričali, jer nekako mi se čini da je na kraju sve povezano - a i da u konačnici JESTE upravo "duhovni rat"...
Samo da napomenem - ovdje ću se referirati konstantno na ranije izvore i diskusije koje smo već imali ovdje - tako da ako neko misli da će "u 2 minuta sve povezati" - bolje mu je da odmah prekine i ode na pivu 🤣🤣
Jbg... da bi se sve povezalo mora se uložiti i malo truda 🤣🤣
Pa da počnem...
Now even those circles are beginning to stir which until now have been deaf to the constant warnings that we have been trying to address to the mass of our people almost without interruption for the past three years. Of course, many people still do not know why they are upset. They believe that perhaps it is only about so-called special privileges, or about the restriction of freedom of speech, or about the politicization of the civil service, and so on. Certainly, all these are extremely serious matters. Today, however, it is about much more. It is about a huge process of destruction of our people and our Fatherland. This is happening now before our very eyes. All these things would be trifles in themselves, if they did not represent characteristics of a process which has been taking place for many years and whose end will be a horrible one! We can all sense that now two worlds are colliding with each other, and not only here, but everywhere we look:
It is a struggle that now goes back almost 120 years. It began at the moment when the Jew received the right of citizenship in the European states. The political emancipation of the Jews was the beginning of a madness, for with it one gave full civic rights and equality to a people which was racially much more clearly and abruptly demarcated than all others, which always formed and will always form a state within the state. Perhaps not all at once, but it went just as it does today, and as it always has gone: first a little finger, then a second and a third, and so bit by bit, until at last a people which still in the eighteenth century appeared to be completely alien, came to possess politically the same rights of citizenship as ourselves. | Dakle - ne zaboravimo... Radi se o 1922 godini...!!! Tek 4 godine nakon krvavog rata u kojem je izginulo MILIONE gojima - a koji je bez IKAKVE DVOJBE i u potpunosti DOKUMENTIRANO i izazvala i pokrenula i financirala (tj obogatila se još više na milionima gojimskih leševa) - upravo ISTA ćifutarija ... Evo... The WW1 Conspiracy (Full Documentary | 2018) Preporučujem SVAKOM - da pogleda ovaj genijalan stari dokumentarac od uvijek izvrsnog Corbetta: (ima i transkript, pa se može direktno prevoditi na hrvatski) Dokumentiranije od njega malo ko može napraviti... A sve je momentalno jasno! E sad, nisam siguran koliko je Hitler toga znao te 1922 godine, ali od prilike istu priču je pričao i Dostojevski 50tak godina prije Hiće... Dakle upučuje da je ta "teška borba počela prije skoro 120 godina" (dakle 1900+i neke) Naime to je upravo vrijeme kad se "nacije bude" (iz čega...? iz "mračnjaštva srednjeg vijeka" kažu idioti "naučnici" 🤣🤣 ) Ovdje predlažem svakom da detaljnije pogleda (pored mog upisa) i one linkove na INSTITUCIJU "Dvorski židov" ... ... a to se naravno diskutovalo i na kronologiji A.T. Fomenka... Pogledaj pod "Vladavina Romanova": Uočljiva je i sličnost sa današnjim situacijom - gdje Hitler upozorava da "dva svijeta neminovno kolidiraju":
Uz to Hitler tvrdi dalje te daleke 1922 - (ali slično je tvrdio i Dostojevski 50tak godina PRIJE Hitlera) - da će ova grupacija tzv "židova" UVIJEK praviti "državu u državi" - (pazi sad) - "...sve dok na kraju ljudi koji su se još u osamnaestom stoljeću činili potpuno tuđim - nisu dobili ista građanska prava kao i mi"....
Koje su inače najvažnije i karakteristike ESNAFA - a koje su viće nego očite iz ovog o čemu Hitler (i Dostojevski) priča...?
Evo ovdje detaljnije o "fenomenu" esnafa: A ovdje o BUKVALNO obožavanju Sotone (iliti El Šadaja tj YHWH-a), kao i o krvoločpnim ritualima koji su kroz vrijeme dokumentoirani - i to o tzv "židova" poput Run Unz-a: |
Dakle - meni je ovdje očito da se radi o klasičnom ESNAFU (računovođa Tartarije) - ali Hitler a ni Dostojevski nisu mogli znati o kakvoj se OOOOGROMNOJ jezuitskoj-ćifutarskoj OBMANI radi...
Dakle - LAŽNA priča o "prošlosti" (jezuitska Skalijerijeva "kronologija") - VEĆ je u to vrijeme uzimala svoje KRVAVE ŽRTVE...
Upravo ZATO - je kronologija A.T. Fomenka od izuzetne važnosti za shvatanje naše STVARNE PROŠLOSTI, a vjerovatno i smisla našeg POSTOJANJA... Sve je to jezuitska-ćifutarija ZAGADILA u zadnjih 30tak generacija...
I za sad ću postaviti i proanalizirati -samo još jedan dio Hitlerovog govora - koji se FANTASTIČNO uklapa u ovo što mi SVI živimo danas...
Naravno, kao što Nebbe reče - izgleda da većina ljudi (ili bolje gojima) - NEMA POJMA o ovom što je Hitler govorio daleke 1922 - a što se evo PONAVLJA nama (a čifutarija bi da se to ponavlja i našim potomcima...U istinu, vrlo je moguće da će se i ponoviti - ako je do "inteligencije" gojima, a specijalno inteligencije onih "školovanih" i naoružanih sluga Sistema...)
And that’s exactly how it went economically as well. The mass industrialization of the people meant the concentration of great masses of workers in the cities. Large crowds came into being, unfortunately not properly handled by those who had the moral obligation to take care of them. In parallel with this, however, there was a gradual monetization of the entire labor force. The “share system” came into being, and as a result the stock exchange gradually became the conductor of the entire national economy, but the owners of this institution were and are without exception Jews. I say without exception, because the few who participate in it as nonJews are in the end nothing more than screens, token Christians who are needed to keep up the pretense to the broad masses that these institutions are natural to all peoples and their economies, while in reality they are institutions which correspond exclusively to the essence of the Jewish people, and thus also spring from it. At that time, Europe stood at a crossroads. It began to divide into two halves, Western Europe on the one hand, and Central and Eastern Europe on the other. Western Europe first advanced in industrialization. Especially in England, crowds of agricultural laborers, sons of farmers, or ruined farmers themselves, poured into the cities and formed a new fourth estate. But there is one important fact here which many fail to take into account. England, like France, had relatively few Jews. The consequence of this, however, was that the great masses concentrated in the cities did not come into direct contact with this foreign nation, and the aversion which would necessarily arise did not find sufficient nourishment. Finally, the Jews of England, who at that time numbered scarcely fifty to sixty thousand, were able to “Europeanize” themselves with playful ease to such an extent that they remained hidden from the primitive eye of the common man, and he could not notice them. As “pillars of the economy,” but especially as the bearers of great capital, they no longer appeared as foreigners, but as Englishmen themselves! This prevented antisemitism from gaining fundamental power in these countries. The same was true of France. Precisely because of this, however, it was possible to introduce in these countries the system known as democracy. Precisely in these countries it was possible to establish a form of government that could mean nothing but the outweighing of intelligence and true energy by the sheer dead weight of the masses. In other words, it was possible there for the small class of Jewish intelligentsia hidden in the British people to manipulate the broad masses with playful ease in such a way that the latter, unaware of whom they were obeying, served the purposes of this small class. There, with press propaganda and control of information, it was possible to found the prototypical large parties. Even back then, there were always two or three groups that appeared to be fighting against each other, but in reality were all hanging on a gold thread, and everything was adjusted to a peculiar human characteristic:
And so two parties were needed. One of them rules and the other one forms the opposition. When one party is played out, the opposition party comes to power, and the played-out party now takes its turn as the opposition. 🤣🤣 After twenty years, the new party becomes played out, and the game repeats itself anew. 🤣🤣 In reality, this is certainly an ingenious mill in which the interests of a nation are ground down. As is well known, such a thing is called “self-government of a people.” 🤣🤣 In the process, we always find two main buzzwords, “freedom” and “democracy,” as figureheads. 🤣🤣 Freedom is understood to mean, at least among the authoritative bodies that actually govern, the possibility of plundering the broad masses without limits or resistance. The masses themselves, of course, believe that freedom means the exercise of a very particular freedom of movement, both freedom of movement of the tongue, and freedom to move about the streets, et cetera—a bitter deception! | Ovaj dio govora je toliko FANTASTIČAN - da sam ga morao odmah dodati... Naime - upravo ovdje se vidi to (prosto NEVJEROVATNO) ponavljanje u ovom materijalnom Matriksu... Sa druge strane - mi gojimi - upravo kroz sistem koji je odlično opisan u "platonovoj pećini" a još i bolje u ovom kratkom dokumentarcu : (preporučujem!) prosto NISMO u stanju povezati proste činjenice - upravo zbog ovog što je Hitler govorio još 1922, premda ni on (a ni Dostojevski)- definitivno NIJE imao informacije o STVARNOJ PROŠLOSTI, jer mu nikako nije bilo jasno od kuda to dolazi "židovska nacija" (koja je u stvari "nastala" stotinjak godina prije Dostojevskog - iz one INSTITUCIJE "DVORSKI ŽIDOV" a još prije toga - iz ESNAFA računovođa Tartarije...) A šta je to "revolucionarno" Hitler rekao u Minhenskoj pivnici 1922...? Pa ništa puno različito od onog što je ćifutarija već i SAMA OPISALA u onim njihovim "Protokolima" - koji su izašli u javnost 15tak godina prije Hitlerovog govora u pivnici... Evo iz ovog pasusa se jasno vidi:
... Nevjerovatno... |
Dakle - nevjerovatno i totalno ponavljanje događaja u Matrixu!!!
Kako to...Kako to...?
Zar smo baš toliko glupi...?
Za sad ovoliko, a ima toga još dosta za povezat
Pustićemo malo diskusije prije 🤣🤣
Pustićemo malo diskusije prije 🤣🤣